Conservation Evidence Blog

From cod logs to frog bogs: we catalogued 400 ways to help species survive a warmer world
Jess Melbourne-Thomas and Claire Mason share their new catalogue of conservation actions to help species cope with climate change

The Conservation Evidence Toolkit
William Morgan, Rebecca Smith and Alec Christie introduce a brand new interface for our Conservation Evidence Toolkit

The journey to evidence-based practice
Four of our Evidence Champion organisations share insights from their transition to evidence-based conservation

Building the evidence for a wilder future
Nigel Doar considers the need for more and better evidence to help nature’s recovery, and looks at The Wildlife Trusts’ approach to tackling it

How can we ensure business engagement with biodiversity delivers for nature? And what is the role of consultancy?
Tom White discusses the importance of evidence use by businesses and in biodiversity consultancy: key players for delivering biodiversity goals

Behaviour change for achieving the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Molly Brown explores the role of behaviour change interventions in conservation, and introduces a new rapid evidence synthesis on this topic

Conservation Optimism Summit: empowering evidence use for a brighter future for nature
The Conservation Evidence team share insights from a workshop we ran at the recent Conservation Optimism Summit

Introducing global guidance on salt marsh and tidal flat restoration
Vanessa Cutts introduces new evidence-based guidance on coastal ecosystem restoration.

National parks and other protected areas often fail to conserve Earth’s forests
Timothy Neal shares his new research into the effectiveness of protected areas for global forests.

The next steps for transforming conservation: ideas from the Effectiveness Revolution workshop
20 ideas to make conservation more effective, from a recent workshop in Cambridge – hosted by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, TRAFFIC and Conservation Evidence.